• Service Dogs

    Our service dogs are carefully selected and trained for approximately 160 hours. Training begins at 3 months old and is extensively documented to ensure the highest standards of service are reached. We do not consider these animals to be “pets”. Under the guidelines of the ADA, these working dogs are to perform tasks that individuals would struggle to perform on their own. These dogs receive the same amount of love and care as others but their job is to provide daily support to the handler above all else. The cost of one of our service dogs is roughly $50,000-$60,000 and can take up to two years to formally place with a new handler.

  • Therapy Dog / ESA

    Therapy dogs and emotional support animals can be a good alternative for someone in need of companionship who will not meet the requirements necessary to receive a service dog. These canines are still carefully selected and trained to the highest of standards to ensure long and healthy lives supporting their handlers but these dogs will not receive training for specific tasks. These dogs will not have the same rights as a service dog under the ADA guidelines but will have more rights than a regular pet. They can cost up to $20,000-$30,000 and will receive approximately 80 hours of training before being formally placed in a new home.

  • Obedience Training

    Training a pet is expensive and time consuming. We can work together to lighten that load because everyone deserves companionship. Sessions and supplies are provided at no cost to heroes.

  • Pet Care

    Active duty heroes or a hero who has fallen on hard times can receive assistance from Auxiliary K9 to care for their pet, therapy dog, ESA, or service dog during times of deployment or hardship at no cost. Finding the proper care for a pet should not be burden. Whether needing assistance for one day or a month, or even longer, we will work together to ensure the safety of your pet when you are unable to be available to care for them.